Can we Believe the Bible?

Can We Believe The Bible? We Can Believe The Bible![i] CH Welch[ii] A Personal testimony of an informal nature given at a Youth Rally in London, by Charles H. Welch, the late Principal of The Chapel of the Opened Book. Why do I believe that the Scriptures are the Inspired…

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Steps Through Scripture

  I do so want to understand the Bible. I have read some chapters in Genesis, some parts of the Gospels, some of the Acts, but there is so much to read and so much that is strange; lists of unpronounceable names. Peculiar and almost inexplicable deeds, that I just…

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Letters From Prison

  Thereis a certain amount of repetitionin them, but as the supreme truth of thes eepistles seemsto be so little known in Christian circles, we do not apologize for this. Our grateful thanks are due to many friends behind the scenes: Leonard and Irene Canning for preparing the manuscript for…

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